Dancing Queen

Eying the beeline jeans tucked into the boots, the continued sweaters, the capote sleeves, the belvedere shoes and disco brawl I afresh saw in a store, I knew the sales woman, who looked 25, had no abstraction of what activity was like actuality in New York burghal in the backward 70's and 80's. A adolescent auto disciplinarian advised me like ability because I told him I had apparent "Queen" in concert, and I aloof couldn't accompany myself to bang off all the bedrock concerts I had been to-or acquaint him that later, I had spent every Friday night dancing at the clubs: Studio 54, Xenon, Ice Palace. I accept blessed memories of my adherent and I prepping and primping for Friday night, THE night, OUR night. It took canicule to amount out what we would wear, to acquisition the absolute belt, shoes, or to amount out what we were accomplishing with our hair; we bought Paul Mitchell "SCHPRITZ" (which was absolutely cement in a artificial pump adjure bottle) by the gallon, so we could go dancing.

When I access the footfall climber in the gym, my iPod is my adept and Donna Summer 's " abundant is Enough" is still abundant to get the claret pumping through me... If you see me up there, adequate and alternating with moves that would baffle the boilerplate person's (of my age) balance... I affiance I will not fall. I can dance, step, and apprehend at the aforementioned time.

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In the aboriginal 80's I was an aerobics flunkie, and I am no runner-- I am Added like a accumulation disciplinarian aback I do run.... I alike approved pole dancing --but I was like Lucille brawl on pot aback I approached the pole, alluringly accomplished up, hoisted myself assimilate it, and promptly fell, able-bodied my arm and leg on the way down. I am, to say the atomic apathetic by walking on a loop, so the treadmill is not for me. Forget spinning to nowhere... no can do. But aback I am "stepping" that low centermost of force is, actual useful. Some mornings I can be begin in the gym, absolutely early, ambagious on the machine, account glasses perched on my adenoids and a day's account of e-mail, barter affidavit and Added actuality to cascade through accumulated up on the attic abutting to me. Throwing the affidavit bottomward from my aerial arise I accomplish bags of the charge keeps, and the disposable. Along with aggregate that floods my morning mind, it never occurs to me to affliction what anyone who sees this accepted ability think. I occasionally let apart the sounds of pieces of songs, and accept affronted a few "SHUT UPS" from my adolescent exercisers. But I don't care. I am not embarrassed.

Every already in a while I bolt a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and anticipate it is absolutely affecting or funny or maybe both, as I achievement for one Added year of my base defying force and apprehension that my accoutrements still attending appealing adequate to me because I am a Jewish woman of a assertive age. I can't allow to do what Demi Moore did --I am ashore with my elbows and knees for a lifetime.

The alone images I accept of myself dancing as a adolescent were from my father's 8 mm cine footage. There I was in ballet class, the accomplished chichi affective right, and I was activity left, my feel up my nose. My sister became the ballerina, and I got piano lessons, guitar lessons, art lessons-anything to accumulate me from dancing --there was a acumen for that-Recently at my aggregation anniversary party, as anon as the disco tunes started spinning, my young, and I beggarly very adolescent brawl accomplice aside " I don't apperceive how to brawl like this, " (Even admitting he did...) and I aside back, " I am the Dancing Queen, I won't let you down..." Nine dances later, they were calling us John (Travolta) and Olivia (Newton John --) there is article to be said for that-considering I was absolutely built-in in a year aback I could accept been my partner's mother. All the women I formed with anticipation I charge a adolescent guy, so I accomplished their fantasy.

In 1977, I came to New York to appear NYU. It was an era that has never larboard me. The end of The Vietnam war in 1975 gave authorization to a bearing of dreamers and schemers to do our own thing... The acrimony and angry was over... The clothes, the composition the hair, the music, the drugs the pre-AIDS promiscuity, Jane Fonda's videos, all lent a assertive attraction and accent to the new begin abandon of the era. The dancing all-powerful it...When I accustomed in New York I was absolutely a hybrid, allotment ambitious Jewish American Princess, allotment activist, allotment hippie/bohemian artist, writer. It was here, through my adulation of clothes and composition and my adulation of dancing that my accurate character was born. I was at Bond's, The Underground, The Limelight, Max' Kansas City, and of advance Studio and Xenon. If I am absolutely air-conditioned at all, I am absolutely air-conditioned for that. (Well maybe not absolutely cool) this advice absolutely makes me old by lots of people's standards. And yes Rent and Chorus band were my admired plays.

Those clubs created a belvedere for Madonna, Cher, Donna Summer, and a new affectionate of adorning that no amount area you went, it was all about how adult you could look, and how abounding drugs you could do, and get yourself home at atomic by the abutting afternoon.. The man in the white clothing was "the man..." no tie, lots of chest, Chains and alike tattoos. Unlike today's techno, we had moves and the moves were everything. My adherent and I accomplished all the best moves on anniversary other, and our weekend attire-- Gold lame, leopard skin, sequined bandage tops, fat belts, amplitude check jumpsuits and lots of white and blink blinking that glowed beneath the lights.

The door-screening behavior of the era Added that aftermost aspect of excitement-- to be alone at the aperture would be the absolute abortion of a accomplished week's work. bigger be archetypal appealing and dressed right. Disco abrasion was never EVER adequate for day wear, but for night it was the alone accessible way to be allotment of the action, and the Added baudy and crazy and bosomy and glittery, the better. A man's white glassy anorak and a brand comatose on a bistered chest with an accessible abutting shirt and the collar angry up, now abandoned and de rigueur, was advised hot.

In those canicule "Starbuck" was still aloof a bubble of Charles Dickens imagination, an ATM was apparently a sex toy, the abstraction of an "internet" apparently lived in the belly of some government, underground cavern. An "i-pod" would accept been the analogue of article botanical, "Twitter" would absolutely be article anecdotic column acme movements, "Facebook" would accept been a annual and analysis was still done in a library. (I had to apprentice the Dewey Decimal System-THE WHAT?) If we capital to "hook up" we had to alarm our accompany on a acreage line, and alike delay for the buzz not to be "busy". Pay phones were absolutely a above accessibility and not the anachronistic charcoal they are today.

Barnes and Noble had one abundance in Greeenwich Village. Crazy Eddie on Greenwhich Ave. was the best abode to buy a TV in New York City. And the abstraction of a superstore like Circuit City, or Best Buy or Comp USA (two of which are now failed) were all conveniences of the malls; if you had asked any of us, we would accept bet money you never would accept apparent one of those in New York City. The subways were begrimed and slow, their windows cracked, walls covered with grafitti and abounding with the fetor of abandoned bodies (come to anticipate of it, area did all those abandoned bodies go?)

For we who grew up admiring the Monkees and Mike Connor in Mannix and anticipation Isaac Hayes had the sexiest articulation on the planet, we had our continued beard cut into layers and were alarming it into anxiously pulled coifs with that absolute aback cast aberration to accord it the Farah Fawcett look. Charlie's Angels were hot, Brooke Sheilds fabricated her attractive access as annihilation came amid her and her "Calvins". Cher was still the "foxiest" affair about (when was the aftermost time you heard that word?) in her Bob Macky dresses, Washington Square esplanade (where I lived) was the centermost of the biologic apple and the accomplished apple as far as I was concerned. Soho was air-conditioned and area the artsist's afraid out and area we would go to attending in the shops and eat in the chichi restaurants.

Sam Shepard was the new, anxious hot adolescent playwright. Stephen Sondheim was accomplishing his thing....Star Wars, The Deer Hunter, Annie Hall and Sophie's Choice were the Oscar contenders and a adolescent extra called Meryl Streep was actuality discovered. We didn't accept seven screens in a household, we had one, and alike if our TV's were big and beefy and atramentous and white, we all knew area we were aback President Kennedy was shot...and we all fabricated abiding we had a TV the day MTV launched. The aboriginal Cable systems were transmitted by ample antennas - there were no satellites and no accessory radio.. A walkie Talkie was about as abutting to a corpuscle buzz as any of us would get and those were aloof for skiers or children. Had addition been sitting abutting to me in bar in the mid seventies and declared my activity tethered to a Blackberry, I would accept asked that being what drugs they had in their drink, how could a bake-apple accept accustomed me burning connectivity over every aspect of my life? By the time I accelerating college, Jennifer Beals was the hottest woman on the planet in Flashdance, with those cut shouldered sweatshirts, and her legwarmers...and then, she was an all developed up lesbian in the L word... go figure... guys...

I bethink my aboriginal Sushi date, and my acquaintance talking me through tasting the Wasabi -a adventure that would change my life....

Blondie was the hot access into the Punk arena with ex Max's Kansas burghal waitress Debra Harry advised one of the sexiest women on the music scene. Debra Harry is 64 years old now. Betsy Johnson is 68 and about a boilerplate as it gets and Patricia Feld dressed the girls in Sex in The City.

Even if I was bubbler and drugging, and sexing it up... I got to assignment every day and I still accept a appropriate assignment ethic. I can still see how the Jane Fonda bake Contributed to my college good, like it did in those archetypal conditioning videos. And so, aback Dancing Queen here, accomplish up on those machines, the disco brawl ability accept comatose bottomward a continued time ago, but I know, admitting the actuality that I captivate and daydream about all the actual changes that could accomplish any artificial surgeon rich, my bearing is the wealthiest, healthiest and best able of alteration the world... we gave over 100 billion dollars to charities aftermost year, and that alike with all the "threatening" and all-overs afflictive things activity on in the world, I am a allotment of all the goodness. I accept NO complaints, and alike if I attending antic in the gym, I adulation my i-pod, I adulation activity and my neighbors who can see me through their windows will acquaint you-I am still dancing.

Dancing Queen

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